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MagTech Brass Cases

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MagTech Brass Cases

We are unable to sell these or any reloading components outside of the UK.
We do not sell these for crafting purposes.

Magtech brass cases are designed for traditional black powder loads.

Please note that the primer pocket accommodates a large pistol primer.

Fibre wads and cards will need to be oversized i.e. 12ga cases will require 11ga wads & nitro cards, with a 10ga overshot. 

  • Ready to load and unprimed
  • Large pistol primer required
  • 25/box

Further informatin available in Ballistic Products Reloading Brass Shotshells manual. 

These are NOT Primed. Please phone to purchase these items.


Grade B have marks that could be buffed out. May not be in manufactures box.

Water Damaged are heavily marked and tarnished, with rust showing. Not in manufacturers box.

MagTech Brass

Inner Diam.

Nitro Card & Fiber Wad

Overshot card

12ga Brass Shotshell

approx .765"



16ga Brass Shotshell

approx .701"



20ga Brass Shotshell

approx .652"



24ga Brass Shotshell

approx .622"



28ga Brass Shotshell

approx .585"



.410 Brass Shotshell -

approx .433"




Shop Products
Article Code Price Stock  
25 MagTech Brass Cases 12ga 2 1/2inch MAGTECH12 £30.00 Yes
25 MagTech Brass Cases 12ga 2 1/2inch (Grade B) MAGTECH12-B £24.90 - £30.00 Yes
25 MagTech Brass Cases 12ga 2 1/2inch (Water Damaged) MAGTECH12-WD £15.00 - £30.00 Yes
25 MagTech Brass Cases 16ga 2 1/2inch MAGTECH16 £30.00 Yes
25 MagTech Brass Cases 20ga 2 1/2inch MAGTECH20 £30.00 Yes
25 MagTech Brass Cases 24ga 2 1/2inch MAGTECH24 £30.00 No
25 MagTech Brass Cases 24ga 2 1/2inch (Grade B) MAGTECH24-B £24.90 - £30.00 Yes
25 MagTech Brass Cases 24ga 2 1/2inch (Water Damaged) MAGTECH24-WD £15.00 - £30.00 No
25 MagTech Brass Cases 28ga 2 1/2inch MAGTECH28 £30.00 Yes
25 MagTech Brass Cases 32ga 2 1/2inch MAGTECH32 £30.00 Yes
25 MagTech Brass Cases .410 2 1/2inch MAGTECH410 £30.00 No

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